Food Waste

We are actively working to reduce both pre-consumer and post-consumer food waste on campus. Pre-consumer waste is generated before food is served (for example, watermelon rinds cut for fresh fruit served on the salad bar). Post-consumer waste is food from people’s plates.

Pre-Consumer Waste

There are many ways we work to minimize the amount of pre-consumer waste we generate each day. Our team members carefully monitor and adjust production volumes, cook to order and prepare in small batches, repurpose leftover ingredients, and offer guests the opportunity to "Taste, Don’t Waste” by sampling new foods.

Post-Consumer Waste

By carefully tracking our waste utilizing Leanpath food waste prevention technology, we’ve learned that post-consumer waste accounts for a significant amount of food waste on campus. Each semester, our ‘Weigh the Waste’ events provide an opportunity to quantify this food waste and share detailed data with students. Check our Sustainability Events Calendar for upcoming Weigh the Waste events.

Non-Food Waste

Whenever possible, we try to use single-use materials that can either be recycled or are made of plant-based, compostable materials. We do not use Styrofoam packaging or plastic (or paper) beverage straws in our operations. Our dining halls  are equipped with self-service composting, recycling, and food waste receptacles.

Tulane Hospitality offers exclusively reusable dishware in the Dining Room at the Commons. Our Catering services use reusable dishes, napkins, and serviceware or compostable and recyclable materials for catered events on campus.